- Prices
1 Token $ 1
20 Balls Per Token
- Batting Cage Speeds
Cage Number Fast Ball Pitch Soft Ball Pitch 1 50 mph 35 mph 2 55 mph 40 mph 3 60 mph (Fast Pitch Only) 4 65 mph 50 mph 5 75 mph 60 mph - Rules and Regulations
- Batters must wear helmets with face mask protection at all times
- Only one person in the batting cage at a time
- Batters must wear shoes (no baseball or softball cleats, flip flops, sandals, etc.)
- No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol is permitted to use the batting cages
- The pitching machines throw balls and strikes. Players should "Be Alert" at all times
- No one under the age of 6 is permitted to use the batting cages
- No one under the age of 16 is allowed to use cages throwing the effective speed of 70-75 mph
- No practice swings outside of the cages
- During or after the game, do not pick up balls from the ground or throw them back at the pitching machines
- Close gates when entering and exiting the cages
Batting Cages
More Recreation

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Get Your Game On!

Nailed it!
The Forge Bar and Grill presents Nailed It, Fort Johnson Youth Competition on 30 April starting at 6PM.

Garrison Commander 2 Gun Shoot
Demonstrate your precision and skill with various firearm disciplines. Emphasize your tactical shooting techniques, aiming accuracy and speed under pressure in a competitive environment!
Jun 28 8 am - 12 pmGarrison Commander 2 Gun Shoot
Demonstrate your precision and skill with various firearm disciplines. Emphasize your tactical shooting techniques, aiming accuracy and speed under pressure in a competitive environment!
Jun 28 8 am - 12 pm