An official army family and MWR Site

MWR Membership Program


$30 per person (17 years and older)

$25 per person (Renewals)

Registration Information

Membership Programs Includes 

  • Toledo Bend Army Recreation Park
  • Warrior Hills Golf Course
  • Warrior Center
  • Warrior Lanes Bowling Center
  • Klubs & Karts
  • Recreational Shooting Range
  • Special Events (up to 5 major events per year)
  • Youth Sports
  • 1 year pass (JRTC and Fort Johnson)


1. An approved background clearance report must be completed for a person 18 years and older. (Applicants 17 years and younger will not require background clearance.) Once your clearance is complete, you will receive an approved/not approved message via text message to your cell phone.  Prescreening can be done at

2. Complete your application by emailing a copy of your approved background clearance text message (from step 1) to Fort Johnson MWR. MWR staff will respond via email with 48 (business) hours.  Payment must be done before receiving your 1 year membership access pass.  We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express.  MWR employee will contact you for payment once you have emailed you approved background clearance text message (from step 1) to Fort Johnson MWR

3. All Members must present a valid driver's license or passport when registering and receiving Membership Card.

4. All members will receive a pass that is good for 1 year to access JRTC and Fort Johnson and listed MWR facilities.  

5. Once application is complete and payment is made, members passes are available at the at  Visitor Control Center (VCC) located outside ACP 1 Main Gate with in 48-72 hours. 



  • This membership is valid for one year
  • MWR Card is NON-transferable 
  • Access to AAFES Exchange, gas station, Class VI, Commissary, Auto Skills Center, Library, Fitness Centers is not included


More Community Events


Books and Brews

Mar 25 5 pm - 6 pm

Monthly Bass Tournament

Apr 5

Dye Hard Color Run

Apr 5 9 am - 10 am

HBB Market

Come to the Warrior Center Ballroom and support the local Fort Johnson Home Based Businesses!

Apr 5 9 am - 12 pm

Nailed it!

The Forge Bar and Grill presents Nailed It, Fort Johnson Youth Competition on 30 April starting at 6PM.

Apr 30 6 pm - 7 pm

Two Day HBB Market

Come to the Warrior Center Ballroom and support your local Fort Johnson HBB Markets!

May 10 9 am - 12 pm

Inflatable Ninja Warrior

12 pm - 3 pm

Come to Alligator and show off your mad ninja skills at the Inflatable Ninja Warrior Course!

May 10 Saturday

Garrison Commander 2 Gun Shoot

Demonstrate your precision and skill with various firearm disciplines. Emphasize your tactical shooting techniques, aiming accuracy and speed under pressure in a competitive environment!

Jun 28 8 am - 12 pm

Garrison Commander 2 Gun Shoot

Demonstrate your precision and skill with various firearm disciplines. Emphasize your tactical shooting techniques, aiming accuracy and speed under pressure in a competitive environment!

Jun 28 8 am - 12 pm