An official army family and MWR Site
USPA Style Shoot

Handguns and pistol caliber carbines.

Sign in starts at 0800 Competitors must show no later than 0845 for safety brief, shooting begins at 0900

$20 per competitor

Competitors must bring their own firearm and ammunition (250 rounds suggested), competitors must also have a case or empty chamber indicator and range approved hoslter for handguns 

9 am - 10 am
January 18th
January 19th
There are no events scheduled on January 19th.
January 20th
There are no events scheduled on January 20th.
January 21st
Story Time at Allen Memorial Library
11:30 am
January 21st
Federal Resume Workshop
5 pm - 6 pm
January 21st
January 22nd
There are no events scheduled on January 22nd.
January 23rd
There are no events scheduled on January 23rd.
January 24th
Story Time at Allen Memorial Library
11:30 am
January 24th
MST Family Game Night: Old School Games

Join MST for a fun-filled family game night - we're bringing out the classics! Snacks and drinks will be provided. 

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
January 24th